Monday, January 26, 2009

Saturday, January 24th, Hyderabad

Cruised through this day with hardly a memory, my thought-stream being frequently interrupted by excellent coffee, meals, and naps. However, I did manage to squeeze in a quick tour around Hussain Sagar, a large man-made lake constructed in the 16th century. The lake serves as entertainment, art, and convienence to the citizenry. It connects Hyderabad with its twin city Secunderabad, and features several parks along its shoreline, including one which bears more than a passing resemblance to a state fair. In addition, the shoreline attracts many couples, as I saw not one bench unoccupied. The middle of the lake contains a gigantic statue of Buddha on a tiny island--ferries come and go around the structure as they travel throughout the rest of the lake.

The remainder of the evening involved primarily Kingfisher, one of India's most popular beers, and tall tales from yesteryear.

1 comment:

  1. Mark and Ashwini,
    I enjoyed your blog. I think you should parlay this into a mini travel seris.
    I will give you guys a call and we can meet up. Glad Ash got away and gave her body a chance to replenish the Vit D level.
